What will it cost?' This all depends on what you want, how fast you want it, and how well written it was to begin with. There is no easy answer. Some people need more help than others. Word count is only one indication of cost
We can provide a quote if you send us an entire document. We can provide an estimate if you provide us a sample of representative text (~ 1000 words)
Quotes and estimates are based on a combination of things: return time (Express, Business, Standard), required editing level (light to substantive), and word count. We can charge by the hour, but for larger documents this is often more expensive
For a quote, please send us a file
The following table (below) is a guide to costs ($ Australian) for standard edits based on word count. Substantive edits might cost up to ~ 25% more; light (copy) edits might cost ~ 25% less
For currency conversion please use this link
Typical ('Thesis') rates ('Crisis' and 'Chill' rates also available) for Bachelors (Hons), PgDip, Masters and PhD theses are:
BSc (Hons)/PgDip (< 25,000 words) A$ 1,500
Masters (< 50,000 words) A$2,000
PhD (< 75,000 words) A$3,000
Rates depend on plan: Express (24 hrs), Business (48 hrs), and Standard (72 hrs). As per word count (table below), usually less than 8000 words
Rates for assignments (standard return time) are as per word count (table below); assignments are usually less than 2,500 words. Crisis, Express and Business rates also available
As per plan and word count (table below), usually less than 10,000 words
CVs (& other: letters, promotions etc)
As per plan and word count (table below); from A$25 for single page CV reviews